Monday, May 19, 2008

A Great Quote

This past weekend I picked up a copy of Outdoor Sketching by Ernest W. Watson. He begins the book by cautioning the reader that learning to draw in the outdoors is a difficult thing.

He then says, "Is the prospect, then, disheartening? It might well be so for the weakly intentioned; for those in whom the fire of desire burns brightly the quest is full of high adventure, rewarding at every step along the way. The enlargement of one's power of expression and the awareness of new beauties in nature are great sources of delight."

That sums up the art adventure pretty well, I think.

My wonderful husband came home the other night with arms full of flowers, ice cream and chocolate! I am so blessed.

Here are some quick sketches I did of the flowers during family movie night.


Jo Castillo said...

Great quote is right and lovely flowers. Nice lines.

Jeanette Jobson said...

The words ring true indeed. And lucky you! Flowers, ice cream AND chocolate. Nice.

Rose Welty said...

Thanks ladies, I'm fairly excited about getting to the rest of the book.

Jeanette, he has this silly notion that I'm too thin (that and he knows that I love to indulge my inner-glutton!)