I've been playing around with the digital tablet again...the completely erasable medium...how fun can it get?
The green flower is a spider mum, I think the purple ones are just regular mums.
May Goals Review (as listed here)
- Update website - done
- New work - progressing
- Sort out my filing system - done
- Backup Routine - in place and functioning
- Applied research - did lots of digital exploration
- Reading - done
- Sketches for the new work - done and to client
- Brush and ink experiments - did several
- Sketching on the spot - yes, some of the family and neighborhood done
- Virtual Sketch Date - loved it!
- My Day challenge - did not do (I did attempt it a few times, not my strength!)
- CP piece - did one and started another
June Goals
- Update website
- Update blogroll and "about me" sections of blog
- New work - meet with client and continue progress
- Continue reading, especially on botanical illustration
- Work for client
- Continue ink experiments
- Continue digital experiments
- Virtual Sketch Date (June 13th is the next one!)
Thanks for enduring my little monthly goal reviews, it does help keep me motivated and focused.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
Vacation where?
Jeanne, my art is a vacation...I'm not very good at doing nothing!
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