April Goals:
- finish still life commission - done with good results!
- update website - done and to be done again in a few days.
- Taschen book - didn't read another page
- another book - didn't find one
- Degas reading - did finish book on Degas in New Orleans
- Mendelowitz book - did a few more pages
- Sketching people - happened a few times, not enough to be effective
- CP sketching - yes, this happened
- Digital sketching - yes, this happened
- Update website
- New work (more on that later)
- Sort out my filing system - with the new computer, I might as well organize the areas that have fallen into disarray. Oh, and get a backup routine running smoothly.
- Applied research this month - I am hoping to accomplish the "new work" stated above digitally. Therefore, I am going to be spending my research time this month getting good and comfortable with my tablet and PS Elements.
- There will also be reading, perhaps some reading on drawing the figure.
- Sketches for the "new work"
- Brush and ink experiments - one from the photo above, clippings from my garden.
- Sketching on the spot, hopefully people
- Virtual Sketch Date
- My Day challenge - possibly
- I'd like to do a CP piece, but I'm not confident enough that there will be time to do one, so it's a maybe.
Have a good weekend everyone!
I envy your work ethic. I just seem to go with the flow and therefore don't accomplish more than the "have to get done" things. Sigh...
Good work, Rose.
Me too. If I make plans, they fall thru. I do try to go plein air each Wednesday with my group. Other than that, whatever happens, happens.
Jo and Jeanne, both of you get plenty done! I just function better knowing what I want done next, otherwise I tend to drag my feet and not use the time that I should. :D
Thanks for the sweet encouragement.
Good luck on your goals!! I envy you too!
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