This post is about using broadstroke pencil technique (used by Ted Kautzky and Ernest Watson) on Stonehenge paper.
Recently, I did a sketch of some cosmos that made me wonder whether I could get a nice effect with broadstroke technique on Stonehenge paper. Above you see the beginnings of my first trial run. Below is a run-down of my thoughts.
Broadstroke on Stonehenge:
- Broadstroke does get a nice smooth effect on Stonehenge paper. Although, I wish that I had remembered to flip the paper over, as I think I prefer the back side.
- Technique is clearly paramount when using broadstroke, I will still have to work on getting an even effect in large areas.
- This was done with a 6B lead. I'd really like to get a 9B in my next supply order, as I think it would be easier to get the darks that I am looking for.
- The effect of broadstroke on smooth paper is effective for flowers - it gives them a nice delicacy.
I've been wondering how graphite works on Stonehenge. Thanks for the review! It's looking nice!