It's a new month and we've got a new topic! The Fineline Artists are still on their summer break, but the "masters series" goes on. Katherine Tyrrell has chosen to do a series entitled Gardens in Art. Normally, I just focus on one person for this series, but Katherine is such a researcher and so generous with her information, that I'd really like to have more time to spend on her posts! So, I'm jumping in and will look at gardens done by masters.
I started with a Sargent garden, Palace and Gardens, Spain,1912. I fell in love with his work in January, and well, it just seemed a good place to start as I expect a steep learning curve this month. I really like this watercolor of his. To me, it really portrays my experience in places like that (although I've never been to Spain.) I am usually so overwhelmed with formal gardens and ornate architecture, that it all becomes a blur to me - I can see tiny pieces of detail, but I have a hard time getting a full image in my mind.
Having to translate from watercolor to pen and ink, I had a good chance to spend time focusing on values, where he placed the darks and lights, and opportunity to try and convey different textures. He handled this garden and building in a similar manner to other works of his.
Wow - what a piece to start with! And you are so right - the gardens in Spain are fabulous but also somewhat daunting. You always turn up really interesting information as well - si I'll be looking forward to seeing what you vcome up with
Thanks for stopping by Katherine. I hope this is going to be a fun month!
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