Yesterday, Maggie over at Greywaren Art challenged me to "push the darks" in this drawing "as Waterhouse would've done." And, she was right, so I gave it a go. Here's the effort. Don't think that I quite got those darks right, but it is much improved.
Must get on with the children...
Definitely an improvement! I always have a hard time remembering to use all three values - light, midtone, dark - in my drawings. It's so easy to just use midtone and light. But those darks really punch it up.
Nice drawing Rose - you've got going faster than me on the Waterhouse project!
Maggie and Katherine,
Thanks for coming by and encouraging me! You've made my day.
Thanks also for letting people like myself join in your project this year. I'm learning and having a great time. (Oh, and Katherine, as the hare showed us, the race is often not to the swift :-)
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