Friday, January 11, 2013

Sunny Winter Days and a Bluebird for Robyn

photo copyright 2013 Rose Welty
Yesterday we had a sunny winter day. In honor of such lovely weather, a bird convention was called. The venue? My backyard apparently. I had quite a day photographing bluebirds, cardinals, juncos, and wrens.

I mentioned my excitement on Facebook and the talented Robyn in Tuscany mentioned that she had never seen here's what you are missing Robyn.


Robyn Sinclair said...

Oh Rose, that is beautiful. Watch out I don't land on your doorstep. It looks like bird heaven. :)

Robyn Sinclair said...

Oh Rose, that is beautiful. Watch out I don't land on your doorstep. It looks like bird heaven. :)

Rose Welty said...

Anytime Robyn. We have alot of trees and mild weather, so we are definitely bird friendly. :-)

Regina Calton Burchett said...

Great photo, Rose - so pretty!

Regina Calton Burchett said...

This is a great photo, Rose - so pretty!

Ann said...

Beautiful photo! Do I see a drawing coming from that?

Rose Welty said...

It was a good day for photos. :-) yes, I think there will be drawings ahead.

Stacy said...

Rose, I get many birds at my feeder too, but never any as colorful as this. I'd say "Enjoy" but somehow I know you are. :) Have a great weekend!

Rose Welty said...

The bluebird, bluejay and cardinal are the most colorful. And honestly, they are most colorful in the winter when everything else is gray. Oh, wait, there is also the goldfinch - a yellow bird - caught a few of those for the first time the other day. I am enjoying this time, I really am.

Have a good weekend everyone and thanks for leaving your comments!

Jennifer Rose said...

seen lots of bluejays but never bluebird, very pretty