I've been trying to make use of the 15 minutes each night between finishing up the dishes at night and beginning the process of getting my sons to bed.
Last night one of my obliging sons was reading. What will I do when they hit middle school and won't let me draw them?
tell them if you can't draw them they have to do their own laundry?? :p
what kind of paper is this drawn on?
Ha, ha Jen. Maybe, although I want them doing their own laundry regardless of what I need from them. :-)
This is done in one of the new toned paper sketchbooks from Strathmore. It is the toned tan one. I also have the gray one. I'm experimenting with the toned paper. For sketching it is nice because I can just put in highlights easily - easier than leaving white and filling in mid values for a sketch.
i love toned paper, makes things so much easier
hmm maybe sketch them doing the landry then? ;p
:-) I like the way you think Jen
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