
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Check In

Pisgah National Forest

I can't believe it's been two weeks since I posted! My summer has been busy - busy with good things: visits with friends, visits with family, pool times and just enjoying the season.

Tonight I sat out on my deck, it was just beginning to cool off from the heat of the day. I sat very still and listened to the cicadas and tree frogs and thought how much I enjoy that sound. It just about made the lawn mowing this morning in the heat worth it. :-)

Of course, I haven't forgotten about art these last few weeks. I have been in the studio:

  • a new piece is in the works, after a few false starts I think I've found my feet.
  • I've finished up two plates in the Bargue Drawing Course - I really enjoyed working on it poolside today. 
  • ordered more business cards and notecards to fill an order. :-)
What have you been doing this summer?


  1. haven't been doing much, its done nothing but rain here :/ but on the plus side I have been spending most of that time indoors drawing :) but a summer would be nice :p

  2. I noticed you've been busy Jen. Hope the rain quits for a bit.
