Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Something Better Than Copying: Harold Speed 2

Dogwood Branch
5in x 7in
colored pencil on paper
copyright 2012 Rose Welty

"It is surprising how few art students have any idea of what it is that constitutes art." 
 --Harold Speed

Continuing on from last time, I've got a few tidbits from the introduction to Harold Speed's The Practice and Science of Drawing.

Speed spends the introduction (chapter 1) discussing what constitutes art, seeing as he feels that most art students don't know what it is. You have to love the frankness. ;-)

"It is highly essential that they [art students] have some better idea of art than that it consists in setting down your canvas before nature and copying it."
-- Harold Speed

If you take one thing from the chapter, that's it. Art is not photography. He has plenty to say about the necessity of accuracy, he just feels it is more of a "given" or basic thing that should be there and then the artist needs to go beyond that.

Speed also gives his goal for the education of a painter:
"The study, therefore, of the representation of visible nature and of the powers of expression possessed by form and colour is the object of the painter's training."
-- Harold Speed

Dogwood Branch is available for purchase. It will come to you matted to 8in x 10in and ready for framing.
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