
Monday, May 16, 2011

Bluejays and Gratitude

Bluejay Spark
colored pencil on paper
7in x 5in
copyright Rose Welty
Bluejay Spark
I've named this one Bluejay Spark because bluejays often add a spark and a shine to my day as they jet past me on some bird mission. Their bright colors remind me of all the beauty there is for us down here to enjoy.

This piece may well end up in the Nature Museum Gallery show that my local CPSA group is doing in the coming months. Unless, of course, I decide I'd rather enter the one I started today...see the beginnings on my facebook fan page.

The last few days I've been working on my thankfulness - reminding myself how my life is blessed. Truly, I have so much to be thankful for all around me. I've been listing 5 things each day or so - just to remind myself of all there is - and to have them written down to look back over in the years to come. It's a great exercise, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a perfect entry to me. I like the 5 things to be thankful for. :) Good idea.
