
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goals for 2011

Boxing Day at my house

In 2011 I plan to focus on production. For a few years now I've said that I wanted to build a body of work, but it just doesn't seem to happen. As I begin 2011 I have a clearer vision of what that body of work is going to be and what it will take me to get it done. So, on with the show...

Goals for 2011:
  • Published blog posts: 100 (roughly 2 per week)
  • Monthly newsletters: 12 (once a month, you can subscribe in the sidebar)
  • Portfolio pieces: 10
  • Build my FB fans to 100
  • Sell 5 packs of notecards
  • Hand out 60 business cards (roughly 5 per month)
  • Join my local CPSA chapter
  • Enter a piece in CPSA competition
I've got all of the due dates set up in my organizer, so I should be able to stay on track. At least I won't be able to say that I forgot I said I'd do that. It would be more of a "I neglected to do that." But, let's hope it's not that kind of year! I do have a few other "dream" goals, but I'll only reveal them if dreams come true this year. :D

And so may we all greet the new year with joy and a sense of adventure! I'd love to hear what you plan for your year...


  1. Wow, Rose! Your house looks like a postcard in all that snow! Beautiful :) I love the way the garage door and the windows above look like a face with a great big toothy grin hehe. The little lamps on each side of the garage door windows look like dimples.

    I think I may have let my creativity get away on me.

  2. Those all sound like very achievable goals - what a great list! Yes, getting that body of work together is a big one for me too. And you are lucky to have the local CPSA chapter nearby. Actually, I believe that is my local chapter too - just a bit far from me though. Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks Wen, we like our house. Our last one looked like a giant jack-o-lantern, no kidding.

    Thanks Ann, I hope it's achievable,it seemed that way a few days ago, although now it seems harder - I suppose because it is more real now. :D. Yes, that chapter is for all of NC. You could always come stay the night with me. :-)

  4. Rose, I am loving the snowy picture of your house! I can see that as part of next year's Christmas card.

    Best of luck on your goals. They seem reachable.

  5. Love your goals Rose! I'll be sharing mine soon.
