
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome Back!

This is my first post after switching blogging platforms. I have switched back to blogger, but hopefully, the changes are mostly on my end and not yours! My feedburner feed is still the same, so if you subscribed via feedburner, you should be fine. If you get an email from me, you should be fine as well (as that uses feedburner.)

I still have my custom domain,, it just points to blogger now. So if you find me that way, you should be good.

If you were pointing directly to the typepad feed, then you may have a problem. You will need to subscribe again using that handy link to the right. (And you probably know this already because you didn't get this post using your usual method!)

If you haven't subscribed, please think about it. It'll be easier to stay in touch that way. Clicking on that link to the right will give you an opportunity to subscribe in a reader or via email (you get an email every time I post).

Thanks everyone for your support! I am sorry to have to do this again. This is my last switcheroo.

I have a new piece on the easel - a blending of old and new worlds. I've taken some inspiration from a family heirloom, thrown in a bit of my recent experience and hopefully convey a sense of hope about the future. It should be finished soon, I'll post it when it's ready.

Finally, if you haven't seen it, I've recently revamped the Rose Welty Art Studio fan page.


  1. The switch worked fine for me too. I am curious though, why did you switch back? I've been considering moving to Wordpress...

    I may not have commented much recently but I've still been reading! I'm glad your move went well, I love how unpacking makes us reevaluate our belongings!

  2. Glad that worked for you Caroline - and that you are still reading! :D

    I had signed up for Typepad because I wanted pages (site and blog together) and a custom domain. Blogger now offers both of those for free. As well, Typepad has just been bought by an ad company and they say "nothing will change for now" but the new president says "Its main focus is in those that hope to build media businesses, rather than regular people who write a blog for fun." It seems like they may be going in a direction that I'm not interested in - and if I can get the features I need for free, why not?
