
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my home to yours! My sons were allowed to open one present, fun times.

I'll be back on Boxing Day, the 26th, with some general thoughts on 2009. Then on the 29th and 30th with specific "to dos" and "dreams".


  1. What a cute photo. They look so much alike they could be triplets. We always opened our gifts on Christmas eve but mom let us open one the night before that so we would have something to occupy us. She picked the present and it was usually something like modeling clay or color book and crayons. Something to keep us busy. What fun that was.

  2. You've got some lovely looking boys Rose - they must be a joy to you.

    I'll be interested to see what you've got planned for next year.

  3. Look at those little faces, so sweet. I'll bet they were excited last night.

  4. What beautiful little boys! Sigh, I remember when my boys were that small - and so excited about Christmas. My "boys" are now 27 and 29! Hope your Christmas Day is wonderful!

  5. Merry Christmas! I agree the boys could be triplets. You have your hands full!
