
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bonus Challenge for 2008

Self Portrait, work in progress

I really wanted to participate in the Different Strokes from Different Folks year-end challenge, but I was just a little too intimidated. So, I thought, why not do the challenge by myself?

I had taken a few photos of myself for submission (which weren't great, but I figured out the self-timer on the camera!) So I took one of those, did a few line drawings, transferred one to a gessoed board, and broke out the paints.

This is my first painted I'm not expecting it to look like me, but so far it is looking like a person, for that I am relieved!

We'll see how it goes....


  1. I wanted to participate too but I was too intimidated also. I've painted hands but not portraits. One of my goals is to paint a self portrait. Maybe over the holidays.

  2. Sydney, I realized that I wanted the challenge but I was afraid of letting someone else down. So, I just decided to paint it and not post it. Then, there was no stress about it. In the end I did post it, but that was like a bonus, not part of the plan.

    Go on...just for you...try it out. I'm really glad that I did!

  3. It looks like you're off to a good start Rose. I'm sure you'll succeed. Self portraits are always such fun to do.

  4. I think its starting to look like you. The main features are there, just need to build them up.

  5. Rose, good for you for challenging yourself! So far, so good. I can see a resemblance as compared to your blog picture.

    And I'm envious you are finding time from art. Right now I am taking a quick break from wrapping. Still have to decorate the tree and finish baking and...well, you get the idea.

  6. Rose - I just couldn't get a photo in time to join in this challenge. Good for you for doing it anyway! I'll be watching what you produce here!
