
Friday, December 12, 2008

Be Thankful for Now

Feels like things are quiet this time of year online, well, unless you are! Things have been busy here, like they are with everyone this time of year. But I did manage a sketch of an eye...I hope to be painting tomorrow night.

Tonight I had another reminder to be thankful...I was able to help a neighbor retrieve another neighbor's car from the ER parking lot. Nothing life-threatening, but she will be in pain for a long time. My other neighbor had a stroke right before Thanksgiving and damaged her back and knee badly in a fall during the stroke. If you are healthy today, be thankful, it truly is a gift and you just never know when you won't have it.


  1. I tell people that all the time. So you have a cold, it could be worse. Much worse. Be thankful its just a cold,(this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just an example). People take their health for granted :/

  2. I absolutely agree - make the most of the moment! Rose, I must tell you that your post "why artists should blog" is the reason why I started blogging recently and I now know that all the reasons you gave are absolutely true!
    This is a lovely drawing by the way.

  3. Jennifer, you know from experience. It's always best to make the most of what you have because you only have today, tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.

    Annie, thanks for that encouraging comment! It's always a thrill to hear that another started a blog because of what they read - it is all true, starting a blog changed my life.

  4. Rose, you always say it like it is. Thanks. We have much to be thankful for. You are a bright spot in my life. :)

  5. Ah Jo, I've been painting tonight - well, beating my head against a colorful wall and was about to give up - your sweet comment has encouraged me to stick with it!

    Back I go...and thanks, you are a bright spark in my life.
