This post is about my recent discoveries about sketching and what it means to me.
While I was on break and just sketching for me (that is, without predetermined plan or objectives), I realized something very important.
Background...I don't do scrapbooks. Yes, scrapbooking is incredibly popular and has grown into an art

While on break, I found that I wanted to record small events, details to remember, etc.
Small Details
We visited family for some of the time. I drew the pattern on my mother-in-laws couch pillows, just because it reminds me of their living room and all the happy memories we've had in there over the years. I drew some decorative items in my parents' house, a chocolate pot among them,

When we were on the beach, I drew a tugboat off in the distance, because I wanted to remember discussing with my mom about whether the boat and other machinery were out there for fish or kelp. I drew the cliffs behind us because I remember staring at them for hours when I was a girl and we spent the summers there. I drew my parents holding my son's hand while standing in the water, because watching that scene was a very special moment for me. Now, I feel like I can be transported back to that beach just looking at the drawings.
Conclusion - Sketching is a Language
What does this mean? Well, honestly, I think it means that sketching has become a language for me. My drawings say more to me than my photographs. I know that sounds a little hokey - in fact, when I've encountered books before that talked about drawing as a language I've immediately put them down with disgust. But now, I suppose that I sort of get it. Not in some bizarre rambling,

I know what you mean about "sketching as a language". I have a few old sketches from a time when I sketched very infrequently, but the memories of where I was and why I was there are still clear to this day.
In fact, I have had discussions with my husband about how I don't seem to remember details from the past. I find sketching to be a good solution to this. It makes me wish I had sketched my kids when they were younger. If only I could have gotten them to sit still. ;)
Way to go, Rose! I always have admired people who could keep a sketch journal of their life and travels. I think it's so neat that you find a sketch to be more meaningful than a photo you have taken!
Stacy, I'm the same with the past usually - I forget so much.
Valerie, thanks. I'm not sure I'll always keep it up, but it is a fun project for the summer.
Wow, Rose. You are doing great with your people sketches.
My aunts sketched back in the World War I days and they are so wonderful to look at.
So, keep it up as you can, and don't feel guilty if you get a little side tracked. :)
Sketches are a much more personal way of capturing a moment. I have a stack of sketchbooks and love leafing through them.
Sketchbooks capture a piece of our history. In 100 years, people can look at our sketchbooks and see daily life, food, clothing, work, transportation - a full range of life in the 21st century and before.
They are a language, you're right. They are illustrated history in the making.
One day your grandchildren might publish your sketchbooks!
I find I'm always transported back to the place and the day whenever I look at any of my sketches.
Photographs are a momentary thing - but with sketching you really have to look. I often make a note of the sounds I can hear as well.
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