I am working my way through Dover's Publication of his portrait drawings. Above is my version from the first page. Sargent did it in his first year of formal training. When I was doing this, I was impressed with his "economy of line." In several places Sargent only used one line to suggest a feature (e.g. the lower lip), but the subtlety of that line produces the detail/likeness for which Sargent is renown. I have found the same to be true in other portraits as I have continued through the book. Katherine makes a similar point more vividly in reference to an oil painting here.
This blog will be rather minimalist - any blogging time must come from my "drawing time." So bear with me, but I hope to continue posting my sketches each day.
Welcome to blogging Rose! :)
I love your drawings and looking forward to more of your posts. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your encouragement! I can see how blogging gets addictive!
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